Rankings and Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
GeForce GTX 580
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i7 2600K Sandy Bridge Cooling Liquid Nitrogen

Cooling Air (Custom) Temperature Ambient 20.0 °C Type 2048 MB DDR3 SDRAM Speed @ 1,117 MHz Timings 8-8-8-24 1T Batch Hyper MGH-EVideocard
Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 (GF110) Series Direct CU II Cooling Liquid Nitrogen

Awesome run BZ
nah, it's just ok.
dunno wtf was wrong with my nature runs today.
the previous week, with the same cpu clock, same drivers, same os ( norton ghosted ), lower vga clocks, same basic tweaking, I could nail 1821fps nature @ 1300 GPU and 1830 @ 1350 and a tad vmem upclocking, but today I couldn't even hit the 1821fps at any GPU clock
give or take I have at least 1000pts to squeeze out of it at the same clocks
nice run there
vmem? that dcu2 is flying lol
Beautiful clocks. That's gonna be one hellofa score when you get nature popping.
Maybe it's the card's fault ? I'm not sure what's the cause, but most of the runs I did were not where they supposed to be ( score-wise ).
I'll have to check again when I get back.
no video?
nope, I was in a rush ( night prior to early morning flight benching )... plus I had two scumbags here with me ( AMDnord & sofos1990 ) and 4 cards to mod & test, so everything was done in a hurry.
nord was acting silly too, me and sofos have some burnmarks
Awesome run Bill! Did Alex help you at all? Damn it seems like he was only paying attention to LN2, because I asked him what your order was and he told me you started with Car Low? hahah
I believe Alex was under the influence of the burgers.
Unless I am the only one who thinks that you cannot see a car in the Nature test
Test order for this run was:
I was clicking & typing, taking care of the hardest task ever ( controlling a sandy bridge @ -45C that is ) [ pouring like a mad man...
], and Alex or Sofos was "controlling" the VGA's temp ( controlling in a very... out of control way I may add
Awesome run Bill ;P Nice chip you gat there, hope you'll find a way to fix your nature's issues
Nice run!
next step? 137+?
who knows...
137k is easy with this setup and Bill's 2k1 knowledge
nice benching Bill!
nice, let's see it
Thanks man
It's been a while since I last had some tweak-pushing-worthy hardware.
Can't wait to get back ( temporarily ) to my place, I already miss benching my Sandy Beach
Might come up with some nice scores if Maaddaawg's untested 2600K does well this Thursday.
Be sure to check Maaddaawg's submissions, we shall bench together this week
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