Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Gyrock's Best 3DMark03 Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
GeForce GTX 580
38.4 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
GeForce GTX 580
Team Power Rank
whoooooooooa sick! So goood
Thanks! vivi:) After several trials, everything went well today:D
Great! keep pushing!
sick indeed!
sick efficency and sick score, way to go, man!
Woot! GG man!
more clocks gyrock-san! take numero uno!
Heavy efficiency there!! Very nice work!
So close, start benching again !!!
Congrats !
Excellent score for the clocks! It seems like FW185.27 is very fast for `03.
Nice run,Gyrock-san.
Thanks all guys:) @Smoke-san, yeah I will try for you:D. @Tim-san, actually Im sick now:D. @aslanwas-san, thnaks always. @CtrlFix-san, thanks! @Honda-san, next time maybe for numero uno:D @StrategosSan-san, Thanks! @Gamer-san, thanks! Im on job now:D @mtech-san, yes +2k pts w/285.27. @Hideo-san, I always thank Sir:) This time I could manage to run well both CPU and VGA fast:D
Great score, congrats, need to test new driver...
Thanks Stummerwinter-san, try new driver:) Hi Pro-san, thnaks:) 285.27 is worth testing! MR.DB!-san, thanks:)
Great score man...
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