Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not TecLabBR's Best 3DMark03 Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
GeForce GTX 580
41.5 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
GeForce GTX 580
Team Power Rank
36.3 Points
Hardware Details
Product Corsair Dominator GTX8 Cooling Air (Stock) Type 4096 MB unknown Speed @ 1,075 MHz Timings 9-11-9-24
Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 (GF110) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 1,620 MHz (+108.49%) / 3,240 MHz / 1,320 MHz (+31.74%)
very efficient, so good! z is awesome
Amazing work ronaldo, congratulations !
Great score!
Nice Work!!!
good efficiency, congratulations, now you need a 3dmark 2011 - Vantage !!!
WOW .. great JOB!!!!!
Good job m8!!!
nicely done...
5.9+ SB pwnz GT1...
Great score!!!
very excellent my friend!
Very nice work RBUASS
congratulations on the result, it'll Brazil.
Thanks for all friends
Nossa!! boa ronaldo!!! nice work!!
eita pega....ai sim hein, resultado pikas das galaxias.....auhauhauhuaa....parabéns cara!!!
Great job Ronaldo!!!
Congratulations my friend for the result.
Congrats ronaldo!
Fruto de muito trabalho, a recompensa merecida!
ATENÇÃO!!! Se enganaste-te air-cooler stock para GTX 580 então és mentiroso porque o overclock teve demaisado alto para esta placa - fico muito confusão.
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