Rankings and Points
Global 1 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
104.2 Points
Sempron 145
Team Power Rank
16.6 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD Sempron 145 Sargas (1 Cores Active) Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 6,358 MHz (+127.07%)
Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 216SP (GT200) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 576 MHz / 1,000 MHz (Stock)
Great result Dear Amin and Saber, nice VGA, nice DC Fan, Nice PSU, Nice dastmal kaghazi
amazing World Record! great job dear amin & saber
well done HOC!
Congrate ....
Congratz for this great record! But why cpu is higher in Wprime 1024 than 32?
Hard to beat. My board can't go that high stable, let alone the cpu. Congrats!
Graet Team Work:up tnx amin @ saber , this is Hotoverclock way....
Insane score... congrats from us too for the WR! Well done!
Crazy score, congrats!
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