Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not S_A_V's Best SuperPi - 32M Submission
Global Rank
Core i5 2500K
54.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i5 2500K
Team Power Rank
87.8 Points
try the m4e p67?
nice work guys
nice pot too
Very nice efficiency!
no waza or just not tightened subs?
M4E sold, "upgrading" to M4EZ was my big mistake
You kidding, right?
Your 5:35 at 5950 is very efficient, like it should
This 5996*336.672=2018k is not, because of high tRCD.
5:33 should be possible with 6 GHz CPU and 8 Gb hypers.
No problems with copywaza on this ram.
Not all subs tightened - I just set tRFC 72 and some others at random.
For 2x2 PSC i think its very strong run.
My old M4E was able to run up to 104 BCLK with 2500K and hypers.
New M4EZ can't do more than 101 BCLK and 1:8.
Of course, score can be improved little bit more, but I don't think I can do 5:35:7xx with this ram.
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