Rankings and Points
Global 3 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
29.4 Points
3x Radeon HD 7970
Team Power Rank
3.4 Points
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i7 2600K Sandy Bridge Cooling Single Stage Phase Change Cores 5,954 MHz (+75.12%)
Model 3x AMD Radeon HD 7970 (Tahiti) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 925 MHz / 1,375 MHz (Stock)
Amazing..... You are the best situation bro!!!!!
GREAT GREAT score.... !!!!!!
Complimenti GABRY!!
Thanks really for all bro!!
Ya... nick, this isn't a bad situation!!
amazing score! go bro go
WOW HUGE score, 240 done congrats
Italian RuleZ great work bro
Thanks fede, raggiesanchez and jayo!!!
world record! grats
amazing score!! congrats Gabry!
very good
thank man
great gabry
good job
Thanks hondacity, luca, veyron and lore ...
great!!! good work and great score!
Thanks darione!!!
congrats on the excellent result!
Awesome efficiency...
Congratz friend...you did a great job.
Keep pushing
Thanks Icealex!!
Thx really Mr Rbuass , this score will not last long, just a little glory for a short time!!!
I will try to do always a nice job!
Great score! number one on the 3d03 :-)
Ahahah.. thanks bro!!! you are the italian mike's version "the situation" !!! ;P
Thanx bro. :-)
way to go man. grats for the record
E che te lo dico a fare...
Thx tornado, thx edo!!
Nice one man
I understand...lol
Ivy bridge will kill us...
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