Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Smoke's Best 3DMark06 Submission
Global 2 Cores GPU Rank
2x Radeon HD 7970
32.8 Points
Global 2 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
2x Radeon HD 7970
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Model 2x AMD Radeon HD 7970 (Tahiti) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 1,240 MHz (+34.05%) / 1,710 MHz (+24.36%)
No HT?
no need HT when you run 6.6+)
I'm sure you tried that, it's just because at the Gigabyte EOC, when benching a GTX560 SOC, we had a massively increased score with HT on (3770K @6260MHz 4C/8T). CPU score went up about 2000 points and the overall score about 500 points if i remember correctly. But I can't tell how this relates to a dual HD7970, as they are far more CPU limited in the Graphics tests and don't need HT there. Just looked at the CPU score and thought wait, how does he get nearly 50k with this?
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