Rankings and Points
Global 4 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
49.4 Points
Core i7 3770K
Team Power Rank
46.2 Points
Hardware Details
Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 (GK104) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 1,006 MHz / 1,502 MHz (Stock)
wow.. that cpu is not making jokes!
Insane run
Nice CPU and nice run!
Very impressive run Mad!! Is it your #3218 chip?
Yeah...the hot 3218 batch
Frankly, quality varies among chips of the same batch though !
Crazy CPU!
.................Whoa!!!!! Ok, that's SCARY. CPU is running 4C/8T benches higher than my CPU-Z.
Congrats on finding such a CPU bro and knowing to keep pushing it!
wow nice cpu
was it any good on air ?
i think i need to try my 3219
Yes, good on air, low volt & high freq.
1x in total, John !
Dun worry, u & CherV will have one of my best chips
Why don't your post 2 Lab photo in your record , haha ^3^
nice one mate
That's usual to my friend PhenoMAD.
Please don't kill the chip before other benchs...lol...Wprime is a chip killer.
Which photo, Cherry ? Danger one ?
Dun worry, Bro! The chip can handle it. That's just homework
I'll save those chips for other benchmarks when I get new boards...hehe!
Mother of god
aarrgghh!!!! Very GOOD CPU!!!
Sick CPU! And it's retail
Very nice!
Sick! congrats mat , out of standing Stabeling for w1024
What's the full batch # ? Got a 32138B957
Are you using 2c2t for 5ghz ?
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