Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not nacho_arroyo's Best 3DMark Vantage - Performance Submission
Global 2 Cores GPU Rank
2x GeForce GTX 680
34.2 Points
Global 2 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
2x GeForce GTX 680
Team Power Rank
8.2 Points
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i7 3930K Sandy Bridge-E Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 5,675 MHz (+77.34%)
Model 2x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 (GK104) Series Lightning Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 1,700 MHz (+68.99%) / 3,400 MHz / 1,800 MHz (+19.84%)
Felicitaciones amigazo!!!!!
wow welldone dude
great job! looks like 125bclk strap is where it is at!
nice cpu, and vga clocking.
Nice bro!!!
Good job Nacho ;P
Thanks Guys, just some lucky with HW parts !
pedazo ... de score nice shot!!! nachito
Gracias Luque!!!! y a ver si nos vemos el año que viene, extraño a PEDAZO y su banda! :-)
Im sure you worked very hard for this man, much respect
Como rindio esa Lightning eh...saludos loco! (el pibe de las PSC del Bar of Legends)
Gracias Ivan! y como van esas PSC´s?
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