Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Wizerty's Best wPrime - 1024m Submission
Global 4 Cores CPU Rank
Core i7 3770K
41.5 Points
Global 4 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i7 3770K
Team Power Rank
29.2 Points
Crazy chip
The cherry chip you deserve finally Keep it alive as long as you can bro!!
Nice CPU man, 3D at 6600 then ? Do your cores scale with volts and core/HT disabling ?
It's a little bit strange, sometime volt help a lot, sometime no... For 3d I have a lot off issue with my OS and with my gtx580 so it's hard to say, but i'm sur I can passe 3dm01 with 4c activate at more than 6800.
Now need to fix my OS and find why all test pass without trouble, but freeze after, just before the result.
For example, stand alone aqua.exe work, but no result with the wrapper, just a black screen at the end, after the explosion, or with 3dm05, CPU test is ok, but benchmark freeze betwen test
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