Rankings and Points
Global 48 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
17.5 Points
4x Opteron 6164 HE
Team Power Rank
4.4 Points
Congrats - very good!
danka... didn't know how good till I looked at the top 20 list...
Mem Tab?
You can't really do much to ram settings on a server board other than make it slower...
I am running ddr3 1600 cas6 ram at 1333 cas6, I did flash the XMP profile down into JEDEC so that I could use the cas6.
Thought I had this... but tried to weak my OS and fucked it up a bit
just made it worse. Dannnng...
Try to add the mem tab for future subs, it's "kinda" mandatory regardless of being a server or not.
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