Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not 8 Pack's Best 3DMark Vantage - Performance Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
GeForce GTX 780
36.0 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
GeForce GTX 780
Team Power Rank
16.7 Points
Hardware Details
Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (GK110') Series Direct CU II Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 863 MHz / 1,502 MHz (Stock)
BIMMM monster setup dude!! Congratz!!
Yes sir!
very nice chip indeed
woooooooooow boooooooooom!!! ....... LIQUID!11
Great one man, this done at Campus paaaaaaaaarty ?
oh my fk! amazing dude. So once again, the 1000$ "xtreme edition" cpu's are not factory binned or good
6.15GHz 6/12 - wow!
BOAR! 65k CPU Score! 1,7V!
crazy cpu
Nice rig, congratz
New CPU!!
wowowooooooooooooooo!!!!nice cpu!! Congratulation!!!
Retail and amazing!!!
w00t ! Awsome score and awesome cpu ! wicked cpu ......congratz.
damn nice chip ! so what happen to XTU?
Ivy-E amazing. Congrats with result!
Nice score bro;)
That´s power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crazy cpu score!
Nice work mate!
I tested like alot of CPU to find this one!! 24 to be exact including 4ES . XTU is silicon torture I believe these degrade with around 1.8v. I want this to last hence only 1.7v too. It actually does over 6ghz 6c12t at 1.65v. LIQUID!!! to all for comments!!!!
nice mate
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