Rankings and Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
34.3 Points
GeForce GTX Titan
Team Power Rank
6.3 Points
Amateurs Begins...like....and tanx to Mahdi-Lion
Nice score guys
great score... where is the GREEN PSU photo??
GOD DAMN wow nice speed memory at 1400 gooj good and your cpu nice speed at 6200 i waiting for new bench
my good friend insert more TITAN GPU bench
Thanks guys,,, Fekr konam yavash yavash bayesti bolandsham Haj mehdi beshine poshte farmoon
haj mahdi va score va ... be kenar , shoma in titan va az koja ovordi ???? baad behet migim 770 DC migi vase bache poldaras ma ke az ina nadarim !!
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