Submission Details

1405 marks with Core i7 4770K @ 5611.2 MHz

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Global 4 Cores CPU Rank
Global 4 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Intel  Core i7 4770K  Team Power Rank
0.0 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Core i7 4770K Haswell-DT Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 5,611.22 MHz (+60.32%) REF 127 MHz


Product HyperX Genesis Special Edition Type DDR3 SDRAM Speed @ 2,406 MHz Timings 9-12-10-26-1T




Model ASUS Maximus VI Gene Chipset Z87



Power Supply



November 4, 2013 at 10:45:57 PM UTC

Same as this one:


or eerily similar. . .

November 4, 2013 at 10:47:42 PM UTC

Serial number in the SPD tab is identical in both screenshots...

November 4, 2013 at 10:58:12 PM UTC

Serial number in the SPD tab is identical in both screenshots...


Kind of what I was thinking, however splitting kits was allowed but sharing both dimms is not I think.


Clarification here Dan?

November 5, 2013 at 3:18:55 AM UTC

Dear all,


We have 4 of em split for 2 of us (share money u know), but all naked for LN2 so what a shame that same serial for such random memory pick.

BTW, we just enter this for fun due to very bad Malaysia CPU available in our country (try 10 but no one can pass 5.7GHz) phew!!!!

November 5, 2013 at 4:15:23 AM UTC

Understood and noted bro, splitting kits is allowed for sure so no worries especially if there were four dimms to begin with.



November 5, 2013 at 4:33:22 AM UTC

Thanks for understanding and congrat for the top 5! go strong @ las vegas Loud_sil3nc3!

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