Submission Details
3532 hardware
166 physics
295 fur
256 fluid
164 raymarch
13013 loading time
Yayyy I beat NoMS on dryice with air cooling
(due to TDP based throttling or just not caring tho.. I hope he dosent hate me and destroy my score haha)
I don't have an SSD bro, so loading time is holding me back badly on this benchmark... Just compare all sub-tests scores and you will see that.
Anyway, what happened to your Catzilla window? It's a bit errrm, bugged.
Gpu driver crashed while loading screenshot app I believe or no themes on windows ?. Also hint: As opposed to most benchies here Catzilla allows software RAMDisk (OK I hate myself now =P)
Which software ram disk are you using?
For this bench I used the one that came bundled with the board I used in the test in asrock's XTU suite.
Interesting... Let's see what a RAMDisk can do for my score.
Thanks for the tip.
Is this reproducible at all? I've managed to reach 13000ms loading time just once at your cpu freq and it seemed completely random.
yup, strong NB oc + RAM settings gave me really big differance on the RAMdisk, I fiddled 5-6 hours of crashes to get the score tho.
I tried up to 2400 NB and ram has the same timings as yours, but higher freq (about 1250), tight subs.
Usual loading time is about 17-18K and there was only one time it did 13K. Ramdisk didn't help at all,
that's why I asked if it's reproducible every time, or at least 90% of the runs.
Nah, I dont think so for myself but some of you guys should be able to, ill try giving it a go see if i can reproduce it but I've limited skill to do it
ill try tho !
after a little more testing I was able to reproduce it and get once a better loading time score ! However, this time I approached it differently with a 102 bclk, 44 multi and surprisingly lower frequency ram(1x)So I am reaaaly uncertain about whats causing the differance in results.
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