Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Rasparthe's Best Cinebench - R11.5 Submission
Global 2 Cores CPU Rank
Core i3 3250
7.0 Points
Global 2 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i3 3250
Team Power Rank
4.3 Points
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i3 3250 Ivy Bridge Cooling Cascade Phase Change Cores 3,759.51 MHz (+7.41%)
You put an i3 under your cascade for 260MHz? Wow, that's kinda awesome.
Well, was trying to push it over 108 by pushing more than recommended voltages so wanted to make sure and keep it nice and cool. It didn't help...
3.90 should be doable just by running process in High/Realtime.
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