11 Dec 2013
extreme League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not bboyjezz's Best SuperPi - 32M Submission
Core i7 Extreme 980X
2.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i7 Extreme 980X
Team Power Rank
8.1 Points
Best sub at 4 ghz ,needs to be taken down . @luumi ,@stavros ,@obscureparadox ,@noxinite ,@tapakah -are you in for a small challenge ? :D http://hwbot.org/submission/2464569_bboyjezz_superpi___32m_core_i7_extreme_980x_8min_42sec_0ms
I'm quite sure there were many faster times but I can no longer find the OCX lowclock thread even in the Wayback Machine.
On old forum this was registered as the most efficient result which is kinda of strange as it could be better by at least 3 seconds.
Don't have any X58.
Well,this record is officially down .
Na na na nana
hahahaha, great score bro
Thank you,waiting for rematch from you :).
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