Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not bboyjezz's Best CPU Frequency Submission
18.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD A10-7850K Kaveri Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Temperature Idle -60.0 °C Cores 5,498.72 MHz (+48.61%)
Model AMD Radeon R7 Graphics (Spectre, 512 Shaders) (Spectre) Speed 720 MHz (stock) / MHz (stock)
coldbug or not?
in my case, sadly i have to say that it has coldbug at around -65
ouch, that's bad.
did u have tested some 3d benchmarks with igp on ln2?
That is an actual vCore?
we must waiitng for more submissions. Im curious about this coldbugs. What difference will be between chips
@Noms and Flank3r : yes, i have already benched several 3d benchmark...
will submit all of it as soon as possible...
FYI, i already tried in more than 1 CPU and all of it has coldbug TT
Sorry, it was me using Lucky_n00b laptop...
Forgot to log out his username first...LOL
@IvanCupa : nope...i dont know why in my validation link it comes out 1.4V...
Actually to get 5.5GHz i used 1.8V LOL
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