Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Dinos22's Best 3DMark03 Submission
Global 3 Cores GPU Rank
3x Radeon HD 7970
Global 3 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
3x Radeon HD 7970
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Model 3x AMD Radeon HD 7970 (Tahiti) Series Super Overclock Cooling Water (Custom) Speed 1,300 MHz (+40.54%) / 1,720 MHz (+25.09%)
Wow! Such perspire! :banana:
Nice one!
can't believe nobody's shown 300K yet
TeamAU waiting for 8Pack to break the barriers apparently
Might be possible with a 6.5 chip liquid has
You mean I can't do it with my 5.5 chip?
Awesome man!
hellz yeh. now back to 4 way.
Well done bro
Correct Massman!!! lol!!
Not that I am giving up on 300K but my really good mems lightening are dead well two are so I am not sure because you really need high mems not so much core to get these last few points.
Nice work!
7970 still kicking ass. Good job guys.
ln2 pot ! long time no see..
Go Dino....!!!!.....
YEah Deaner!
i still use my gold pot littleboy, nothing wrong with it at all
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