Submission Details
12922 hardware
1198 physics
1098 fur
1004 fluid
362 raymarch
8048 loading time
Very good!, it that card maxed yet??
Good work!!!! and keep pushing
similar to my limit!
Don´t scale more with +V ?? the vGPU was 1.3x?
@ Nacho:
The card maxxed out already I think, I spent another 30L running it at 1720Mhz but it always crashed(or ocp'd) at the damn Raymarch test. The real GPU Voltage was 1.447V - 1.45V under load. Higher than 1.45V will give it OVP/OCP.
@ Splave:
Not just your limit Allen, looked like everyone who got the updated VRM firmware for Lightning have disturbingly similar limit. Rock stable at 1600-1700 @ 1.45V, and then hit a 'wall' and won't reach above 1700Mhz GPU(OVP/OCP when trying higher voltage).
You got new VRM firmware?
After my 1st card died, I sent mine to MSI HQ and they sent it to me again, and said it's equipped with new vrm firmware.
Ok thanks for info - because I have same OCP behavior and my card have old VRM FW
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