Submission Details

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not 8 Pack's Best Aquamark Submission
NVIDIA  GeForce GTX 780 Ti  Rank
33.4 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
NVIDIA  GeForce GTX 780 Ti  Team Power Rank
8.4 Points

Hardware Details


Model Intel Core i7 4770K Haswell-DT Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 6,500 MHz (+85.71%)




Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti (GK110') Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 902 MHz / 1,502 MHz (Stock) buy on amazon


Model ASUS Maximus VII Gene Chipset Z97



Power Supply



8 Pack commented on his own score:
10 year and 11 months ago – downclock for screen
June 5, 2014 at 12:06:53 AM UTC

Is this RAM set actually retail?

Never heard or seen of any 1600C9 with PSC/BBSE, let alone of such quality.

June 12, 2014 at 7:52:19 AM UTC

I'm more curious on how you've pressed the Save button and still have the GPU-Z window on top.

June 12, 2014 at 10:43:16 AM UTC

I think this is not the datafile, but just a screenshot. It was done like at the GSKILL OC World Cup last week.


You can see "capture" icon is highlighted.

June 12, 2014 at 1:10:03 PM UTC

I think this is not the datafile, but just a screenshot. It was done like at the GSKILL OC World Cup last week.


You can see "capture" icon is highlighted.


Roger. Were there problems saving using the wrapper?

June 12, 2014 at 1:27:06 PM UTC

No problems,


But we decided screenshot is all we need for validation.

June 16, 2014 at 3:52:36 PM UTC

No problems at all I did actually save the data file and make a screen shot separately. Then I passed both the file and capture screen to a judge.

June 16, 2014 at 10:28:22 PM UTC

2.7 it's real vcore? gene7 report a real vcore!!!


Input voltage for sure.

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