Rankings and Points
Global 8 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i7 5960X
Team Power Rank
29.5 Points
Very nice job Ebola Joe (y)
ebola joe.. getting sick.... hahahhaa
Thanks DJ !!
Nah you just need more ln2 and for sure you'll be fine
Crazy man! congrats
Whoa, that's fast!
Is your LN2 supplier on speed dial?
Hahaha I wish... they close at 4:30... They always want me there before 3:30... have to wait til tomorrow...
from now on, we have to limit joe's LN2 supply to 8 litres at a time
Maybe with 6 he could achieve more
Nice sack of results!!
Great job with those scores... Cpu is amassing...
Thanks guys.. if I had the full 30 I would have been happy.. so close to number 1 on all...
boom boom, nice mate.
Damn that's a solid score! GJ man!
Massive result! NICE!
Very nice!!!
Last 8 liters!
Thanks guys
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