Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not TerraRaptor's Best SuperPi - 1M Submission
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Pentium III EB 800Mhz (s370)
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Pentium III EB 800Mhz (s370)
Air (Custom)
1,314 MHz

Wow, sdr 219! Congrats Nikolay-san!
wow,incredible sdram...what chip/model?
soon new 1m balle
Not kingston this time but the chips are still the same gigio was using.
Tatsunori-san, many thanks!
GraduS, battle never ends?)
ah ok,you don't want tell me the chip,lol.
good luck for the other scores
Stunning 2-2-2 rams ... SDRAM at 219MHz doing 2-2-2-7 is really something to behold! Some pictures could be handy, too
Probably also pushed to 3.7V at least for the rams, as gradus, yep? 
Rugerro, post your mems first. I cannot share chips at the moment as they were discovered by GraduS and he has all rights to share this info to public. As Italians didn't share this info to him he had to put lots of money into research to find the chips himself - it is not us to sandbag first.
Trodas, 3.5v only - voltage is not a key. Scaling depends on motherboard mostly - vnb, slot selection rules. Both sticks go almost the same clocks (+/- 2mhz) 1:1.
I've killed the motherboard already so I have to check other motherboards.
ruggero =/= italians
I think this is share information,is not? ;-)
GraduS told me he will share info with the community quite soon (days, not weeks).
What does mean "Italian"?
Do you mean gigio?
Anyway there are no written rules that says that we need to tell all our information to everyone. There are information that are secret is only competition! Do you think Lewis Hamilton want to share his car's settings to rosberg?
I don't think so...
You just don't know what was oldschool overclocking about - just ask yourself:
1. Why Japanese are so strong here even these days (check number of overclockers and the position of Japan in country rankings)
2. Why hipro5 sharing tons of info is still known to anybody in the community although he is out from hobby for years already?
When you don't share key information with the community it makes the community static. Just ask yourself why we have a lot of interesting topics from XA, der8auer? Does it make their position within rankings worse - nope. I remember lots of input done to Kazakh overclockers from Russians, Ukrainians. I have a lot of kind words to Turrican, Wizerty, Maedhros etc.
Competition should be a result of overclocking not "secrets". Sharing such tweaks as d3d, waza, catzilla tweak - isn't this what makes the whole community to reach new heights?
I am not agree with you..
I think that this is not the right place to talk about these things
Anyway If you think this about overclocking and collaboration between people, the main aim of HWBot will have no sense.
Overclocking is an hobby a good way to spend my free time and i really love talk about hardware world
Competion is good to improve our skills this does not means that there aren't communication between HWBot guys but only that not all have to get on!.
For example I really like ludek (his scores and his team) i spoke with him several times ( i want to create an account on his forum)
And why? I don't know maybe because is more kind and generous than other people
But this is not "Italian main" this is my aim
See you soon
Nikolay-san I agree to Stermy-san's remark,information sharing is the personal freedom, and I thought you've said unnecessary word.
Please end quarrel,I respected both and s370 familiar.
I completely agree, that sharing information helps comunity as whole. I completely despise guys, who claim that their scores are "because of their tweaks" unbeatable, when all what they did was just cheating. I mean... Rage 128 Pro doing 185fps in 3DMark 99 "3D person shooter" game 2 test? You gotta be kidding me that this is because of "tweak." That is BS. The card really did not have such power at all, even paired with X6800 Extreme CPU at 3.4GHz it cannot get over 52.5fps no matter what (150/170MHz).
If anyone want seriously suggest, that a 155/166MHz clocked Rage 128 Pro can do 117.6fps there, then he damn well better show these "tweaks", or have get banned for cheating...
But that is for different thread to start... (there: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=399955 )
Except sharing direct code/executable (for example I get the idea, that the PCMark04 grammar test could be made to run on multiple cores (and even utilize them for great gains!) by blocking the shared cache after the call for the test is made... so when executable is made, then sharing it will be probably going too far, but spelling out the idea is IMHO a good thing for others to catch on...) I would consider not sharing informations as too secretive and harmfull for society.
I was just recently read that something like waza exist! I was thinking that benching is about the HW, not that much about SW
But I learn that I could get better results by just setting realtime priority to SuperPi and ending explorer task (not to mention having optimized windows counts as well)... but not for all benches. PCMark 04, for example, get worser when running on maximum priority, because the tests of other programs will suxx then...
So I completely agree that THIS IS THE PLACE to discus these things, even that some I would call almost cheating (tweaking D3D settings for 3DMark to run better) and I do not use them.
Do you refer to this: http://hwbot.org/submission/2496046_stermy57_3dmark_99_max_rage_128_pro_14078_marks
If your answer is yes give me really evidence of your supposition
First I can do it again.. Twice even 100 times my scores will be the same!
Your are not the first that says that my score are not tweaked but cheating...
You have wrote that even an extreme X6800 can't reach 177fps on game 2 but you don't know that 3DMark99 is old, support only 3DNow and MMX code runs better on win98 and 2000...
Even this I think is good
I wrote that this is not the right place because this is only a submission's comment!
If you want we can open a new thead
Sure, I will install Win2k with biggest pleasure... and can use DX 8.1 or DX 9.0c and we see, who is cheating
Or how the score change! I have nothing against you, if you did not cheat 
(BTW, this is lame excuse, because all the possible effectivity difference is erased by brute force of X6800 GPU at 3.4GHz...)
And he wanted to discuss in THIS thread only the reasons why holding back on some of the tips, nothing else. Not to discuss specific submissions, but to discuss specific ram chips/types that are capable of 2-2-2 at past 200MHz marks. That is something interesting for everyone, I bet.
When i serch normal mem i spend tons of money. Then Gigio post his results we all ask him for mem, but he give as not correct info special. He always know what chip he use, and he dont give us information. Then i found same mem as he, thx to his fotos....now ppl like STERMY57 make rig fotos with diff mem, and then put normal mem for bench...dat very haha. http://hwbot.org/submission/2665876_stermy57_superpi___1m_pentium_3_800mhz_eb_s370_1min_26sec_735ms
Now i dont give any information to Italian team aboyt s370. I give info about mem to Raptor bcz now he can beat nabs italian results. I think i can give info in pm to normak mens, but not Italian ppl.
Don't punish all Italians, pls. That is bad. Ther are good Italians I trust, check the thread there: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?p=399955
So for few bad apples did not throw them all away. IMHO scores with different mems pictured that used should be discarded, when we talking about first 3 places in the world. It happens, that one can use older pictures of rig, when changing items... but this is IMHO not permisible for WR.
Cheating its normal for many hwbot mans. I dont bench now, but in past i saw so many paint lovers and etc.
I don't consider cheating as normal. I can understand the need to "feel better that the others", yes, but go to the point of lying to yourself? Nah. Either I'm better, can mod, tweak and get higher score (or go thru plenty of rams/CPUs and boards to find the "golden ones"), or I'm just not. That it is.
If you spot cheat, please report cheater. I believe that the competition is about reaching real speed, not imaginated.
Sure it is not hard to bench with, for example, GeForce 2ti and pass the result as ATI Rage 128 Pro. But keeping that results in database is 1) insulting real benchers 2) it does damage on users, who cannot understand, how others get such results, when they - even when get to same clocks - cannot even get close to, much less get match or surpass.
And I could do even better job that some cheaters do
I will, for one, not do the mistake as to put higher FPS wher they are lower (Game 1 vs Game 2 test in 3DMark 99, for example) and I will never forget to match the test results - eg. when the selected tests mark some, they will have to be run (and they are not in the 1st 3DMark99 score on Rage 128 Pro: http://hwbot.org/submission/2248070_ ...so I think I could go way better job at cheating that these poor souls, lol.
But maybe I'm entierly wrong and they do not cheat and I just overlook something?
So I could use your opinion and advices there
I don't want to see cheaters running rampant there.
I saw that with 3DMark99 and Rage 128 Pro, you reached 5000 points
Now this not means that all other guys cheated to reach 10000.
Second points
Will you use your X6800 with AsRock 775i65G rev 3.0 with win98?
Really? If you will use this platform, you will fail
Now you have to choose a good platform than you have to tweak OS and win98 is hard to tweak...
Even ATI Rage's driver are terrible!
You have to try lot of them...
Ps: Some ftp server now are down
You started to talk about another submission.
You are incredible man...
First point
I have used the same photos because I am lazy
So I didn't want to do again photos for the same platform so I decided to put the same photos
This does not means that I want to cheat!
Second point
You aren't god man
I don't need your info
This is not Italian aim...
U used this photos bcz italian team dont wont share info, u think its help u in bench and medals here.
But if u have good mem its not the same that u good overclocker. Give that system to me and i make better result, thats all about overckloking.
Hwbot about medals, but medals its nothing. Hwbot not overclocking, many ppl go away and lost interest.
No comment is better
Ahahahah man
Are you envious of a clocker who use only air cooling with no name that can beat you?
Our scores talk for us!
Now everyone can read your words...
Where u saw envius? dont care about results. Im intresting to push system to max, thats all. Thats why im return when my socket370 record broken. Now im here bcz Raptor close to beat and im waiting his score.
Im not inresting in u or results from u. dont care. air or not, why u tolking about this?
You don't need to be rude , do not look good .
PS : It was your choice to spend some money to find good sdram . Without input Gigio you never found. Competition creates improvement .
not true. pos more money and time, after old memory i want to go search in new...and i buy so many diff chips new memory.
anyway gigio fail all his lying to us(no indificator on chips, gives wrong links to mans and other). he can say, mans i dont want share info, thats all. We understand that....but when italian mans post this s**t to us...man, its hahha....
There is a written rule that say that he have to say this information?
No, so he can do what he want...
Nobody ask me what kind of memory I have used
You talk to much but what have you shared to community?
To Hwbot we can find a lot of your posts that says"
"what chip and brand are you used?"
If you want I can link you
You are "rosicone" go to google translate
Other question I have a lot medals and cup not only with socket 370 only at air cooling
For photos question you talk like a chicken with no sense
I have done other photos with new Kingston qimonda when I made pcmark04 scores, and this because I used a geforce 6600gt so I was obligated to do again other photo (boring for me)
I told u facts. Why u so angru to facts? He want lying? ok. Its normal for u? and italian team? ok.
Normal for u, not normal for others.
And this thread not about results from u, nobody intresting in them.
Now when i said that can share info about this meme all of u said - no secret, I used this and this. bcz no sense to hide information anymore.
Your words... what do you mean "nabs"?
Is normal for you to talk with this words?
Everybody can see that you start talking in aggressive way
Stop talking about Italian teams nobody talks about Russian team
Ask to you a question why I'm talking in this way
Your words...
normal, its not lying. gigio think he can have gold medals only with the help of normal mem. thats why he dont give us information, he knows that we broke results easy. thats why this results nabs, only thx to mem. No performanse per clock, no tweaking, nothing...only mem.
u can talk abut russian team, dont like them. russian team kill overckloking in russia.
and i dont like italian team after all.
i talk this way bcz i hate lying.
try to beat his result with the same frequency. then we'll talk.
what result? post plz
Normal? All can read your words
Sorry but you are too haughty and disrespectful
I have never wrote anything about Russian team hier
You start talking about Italian teams
I think this is the last post
You have lost my respect
This for example. At the same cpu and mem freq.
I have no problem to any country...
From now I have a problem with you because you are aggressive and like I said before haughty and disrespectful
You don't like Italian teams this is your problem!
But you don't have any power to talk in this way
You are a clockers like us!
you know that he can lower fsb for screen. but i bench on this clocks when my new system ready.
where would your condivision because I can not see them
not intresting in this.
as u said I have no problem, i dont like Italian teams here. On hwbot. its not a problem for me.
imo normal talking. i like discuss some stuff.
It's not true. This tactic does not use any of our team.
what is condivision? dont understand.
My fifty cents - why then posting results stating cold on mems (gigio's 1.266S) and 4v (some results with CUmine) when these chips go that high with stock cooling (no sinks) and volts? Isn't that an idication of giving a wrong direction?
Hi terra
he really run it with 4.0v you can believe or not but it's true...
This was not made to giving a wrong direction
Than he decided to keep secret all information about SDRAM but this was his decision!
Now we are waiting for cold period ( winter and autumn) than we will see...
Okay, let the battle begin.
I have no problem with you and if you will beat me for me will be an honor!
Is not all true,i repeate
I think that is share information
Its really cool to see that the s370 competition is still going strong. It took many years to get close to those japanese pioneers. From time to time I digg in the archives and its still a blast what they did. Its funny that they had the same problems, finding good ram had top priority as DDR Ram boards were more or less useless.
I was going through maybe 5 or 6kg of sdrams. There were lot of microns but all were disappointing, some mtecs but they were even more crap. I found some nice infineon DT-7 sticks which do 180Mhz CL2 and one MDT that can do 185Mhz CL2 but looking at the chips, those MDTs are Infineons as well. So I wonder why the japs never used Infineon...
From stermys pic I identified promos sticks so I ordered some from ebay. They were quite good around 180Mhz CL2 512mb module and 184Mhz CL2 256mb, giving the fact that these are basically mosel vitalics and arround 2001 they were crap its actually a wonder that they go that strong, but again its simply not enough these days.
Anyway keep it up guys!
I'm scared to even consider going older than 775. It's just a whole new world and I'm happy battling the one I'm in now!
Nah. What about... Socket 7?
That is oldschool for me 
(Asus TX97-XE recapped for my friend, got second lowest CPU-Z clocks of CPU 10.74MHz at one point: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=348684 - http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/2005/asustxp4x22sr5.jpg - http://s24.postimg.org/542zkoak5/trodas_10_74_MHz_CPU_Z.png
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