Submission Details

28 Aug 2015
elite League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
NVIDIA  GeForce GTX 980 Ti  Rank
41.5 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
NVIDIA  GeForce GTX 980 Ti  Team Power Rank
21.7 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Core i7 6700K Skylake-S Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 5,800 MHz (+45.00%)




Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti (GM204-400) Series Lightning Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 1,920 MHz (+78.44%) / 2,120 MHz (+20.94%) buy on amazon



Power Supply



Wizerty commented on his own score:
9 year and 7 months ago – 980Ti lightning. Really fast pretest, WR run failed @259sec :o ... Will try again later ;)
August 28, 2015 at 3:41:37 PM UTC

Nice Job & Run Wiz Congrats Lightning is back ^^

August 28, 2015 at 4:16:59 PM UTC

Strong score Bro!

August 28, 2015 at 4:34:37 PM UTC

very nice clocks man! keep push :D

August 28, 2015 at 4:52:16 PM UTC

Well done Wiz!

August 28, 2015 at 5:25:41 PM UTC

Very nice :D

Vmod ?

August 28, 2015 at 5:49:16 PM UTC

@raules, yes, You can do Vmod if you want, but you don't really need them if you've got AfterBurner extreme ;)

August 28, 2015 at 6:24:12 PM UTC

way to go brooooooooo

August 28, 2015 at 8:06:25 PM UTC

Heaven tuens into a CPU benchmark :D

August 28, 2015 at 8:38:44 PM UTC

You think you'll see 2000+ with tuning?

August 28, 2015 at 10:18:32 PM UTC

Nice... Samsung on retail also?

August 28, 2015 at 11:45:17 PM UTC

Nice card and nice run!

August 29, 2015 at 8:04:04 AM UTC

@Joe : I don't know. I have seen an Ocer sample with hynix and an other one with samsung. So I don't know if retail will be mixte, only hynix or only samsung. // Anyway, we all seen cards launch with different IC. I remember with 290x, I bought many card, and IC was random, sometime hynix, sometime elpida, sometime samsung... I don't know how they choose, availabilty, price, performance...seems that production can switch on the fly.

August 29, 2015 at 8:25:08 AM UTC

Good Job Wiz ;)

August 29, 2015 at 8:42:56 AM UTC

@Joe : I don't know. I have seen an Ocer sample with hynix and an other one with samsung. So I don't know if retail will be mixte, only hynix or only samsung. // Anyway, we all seen cards launch with different IC. I remember with 290x, I bought many card, and IC was random, sometime hynix, sometime elpida, sometime samsung... I don't know how they choose, availabilty, price, performance...seems that production can switch on the fly.


I'm pretty sure they know where to put Samsung and where to put Hynix ;)

August 29, 2015 at 8:58:25 AM UTC

a little birdie over on the evga forums said this recently




"I heard from a credible source here in TW that MSI is gonna release their lightning card with HYNIX memory for retail, and give a few extreme overclockers samples with samsung memory"



its in the 980ti kingpin thread on the evga forums if you want to check it out, page 14. just posting what i saw.

August 29, 2015 at 9:08:31 AM UTC



Sad to see this happening and even more sad (if true) that our website is being part of this kind of deceit :(


//edit: no offense to the overclockers who achieve the scores. The results are awesome and they're just playing with the cards they get. The overclockers don't have a say in the retail/engineering design.

August 29, 2015 at 11:57:52 AM UTC



Sad to see this happening and even more sad (if true) that our website is being part of this kind of deceit :(


//edit: no offense to the overclockers who achieve the scores. The results are awesome and they're just playing with the cards they get. The overclockers don't have a say in the retail/engineering design.


I never more discuss here in HWBOT forums, and just giving my cent here, but about your phrase, in my opinion, is not less that allow ES CPUs.

If only Extreme Overclockers can get Samsung cards, what will disavantage some few others, what about the overclockers that cannot get some 6700K to play?

For me, just be allowed IF every single overclocker have acess to buy...

If you want, you can fix... just no more allow ES cards, ES CPUs and will be ok... Then for sure, HWBOT will no more be unfair to overclockers that have no acess to ES CPUs and even force some companies to to use the best components to retail parts.


Very good Job Wizerty... pretty close to WR.

August 29, 2015 at 1:36:55 PM UTC

Didn't mean to start something on your thread.. push it man and get that record ;)

August 29, 2015 at 1:46:50 PM UTC

My english is not really good but I will try to give you my POV :

- some people use epower, apower, gpower or everything you want to improve card frequency... this is not provide with retail card right ?

- Other peoples use bin/ES GPU to achieve record and retail card are not sell with bin gpu...

- Or media sample better than retail one

- when you buy a card, IC can be what ever they want (I think) and customer don't know it... It's the same thing with systeme mem, when you buy 3000c15 kit, it can use every IC that support it. Every Overclocker already experiment this, trying to buy samsung... and finally have wong IC AFR, MFR.... As far as the specification is ok, you can do nothing... I think here it's the same. If brand sell card with 1800Mhz memory, then, as far as IC support 1800mhz, you can't do nothing. It will be a lie IF they write on box sumsung IC inside and if not.

- sometime they can bin IC one by one, to make a better card, and one more time, this is not the same as retail card.

- We also already saw some titan with only 3Gb instead of 6Gb, to achieve record, and I never saw this 3Gb titan in retail...


Just an example :

No one complain about 3Gb titan ? Evga sold 3Gb titan ?



I really don't understand why it's different there :(

August 29, 2015 at 1:52:12 PM UTC

Didn't mean to start something on your thread.. push it man and get that record ;)


Don't worry ;)

If people want to talk about this here I don't care and I'm ok with it, even if I don't really understand what is the problem :P


If we want fair result, let pick random card in a shop, and no more bining, no more private software, private Vmod, private bios....

Every result in elite are not fair compare to someone

August 29, 2015 at 2:27:01 PM UTC

Sorry Wiz, didn't really want to pick out your score to talk about this. No offense to you, your result is awesome and thanks for sharing!!


I agree with your and Ronaldo's observations. I think it's in line with what HiVizMan outlined in this thread at MLG too:


Overclockers show what some hardware is capable of, regardless if it's retail available. Overclockers show what can be done and share details on how it's achieved. How this is translated to the general audience and market is done by other people.

August 29, 2015 at 3:49:57 PM UTC

I think is some misunderstanding under my pount of view.... part I agree, is BIOS firmware available for all OC... its true.

But ES cannot be buy from anyone... is not available and even not allowed in Competitions. About the zombies, is not the same, cuz you put a lot of risk and job to reach the highest score is possible.... Sure you cab buy Epower, or really made one with death cards or motherboards.

So... part about to be available to all is the most important to me.

You cannot zombified a CPU to flight...

You cannot do special super-duper Firmware and Bios... Vram and so on...

But you can hardmod and modified videocards to improve your scores...

About binning... oh... it never changes... need lucky. money, influence or support... one or all both.

It don't change the real good job for the overclokers... just balance better the chances.



August 29, 2015 at 8:18:06 PM UTC

i dont see a problem with wizertys score at all, im happy for him to get such a beast card and a awesome run in.


I do think it kind of sucks that the only people that will be able to compete with it are people that msi deem worthy of getting the samsung sample cards and the rest kind of just have to hope for the best.


I agree with Ronaldo.


Sorry wiz, didnt mean to take your score so far off topic :D

August 29, 2015 at 8:34:52 PM UTC

Im not sure I agree with that rbuass... you had a 6gb titan X.. I didn't see you complaining there..


I think its fair for him to get a card.. I just think its unfair for them to advertise it as one thing and sell as another.. Thats the bait and switch.... Not fair to the consumer and I would be extremely unhappy.

August 29, 2015 at 10:47:04 PM UTC

Bait and switch is the problem, yeah.


The same applies to Epower stuff. An Epowered Titan X is, by itself, a magnificent artwork of engineering and everyone who's about to pull something off like this is a hero in my eyes. But ... it's no longer a Titan X. It's a Nvidia GM200 with custom PCB. Just like a KPE/HOF/Strix/Lightning/... with Epower is no longer that card (and shouldn't be advertised as such?).

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