29 Sep 2015
extreme League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not BenchBrothers.de's Best SuperPi - 32M Submission
Phenom II X6 1100T BE
11.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Phenom II X6 1100T BE
Team Power Rank
2.9 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD Phenom II X6 1100T BE Thuban (6 Cores Active) Cooling Cascade Phase Change Cores 4,000.71 MHz (+21.23%)
Product Corsair Dominator GT Cooling Air (Stock) Type 4096 MB DDR3 SDRAM Timings CL6.0 6-6-18 1T
Model NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS DDR3 (GT218) (GT218''') Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 520 MHz / 550 MHz (Stock)
PSC are better on Thuban. Much more stable.
Disabling 4 cores also helps with CPU-NB clocks.
Unfortunately I only had two memory kits. 2x 1 gb Cellshock, maxed out at 1666 6-5-5 or 1720 6-6-6. And these Corsairs which I could run 1840 6-6-5 with tight subs on air with this system (NB at 3 ghz). Under cold I could only complete this run with relaxed timings.
With tighter timings I would probably shave two seconds off - but no chance to come close of your run. Your score is awesome...
I managed to save it on the third attempt. First one froze while opening cpuz, second one restarted while opening cpuz.
I have some old LN2 profiles saved, so had to only adjust clocks. Could run 940 6-6-6-18, but there was no suitable combination with cpu and nb clocks, so I had to use yours
. And yes, Hypers are tricky with Thuban on cold, while on Deneb you can bench tight without a problem (on most chips). Disabling cores on Thuban could gain you about 200-300MHz on the NB with same volts, but Deneb is faster clock per clock.
Thanks for your information. I didn't overclock AMD for a long time now and all your hints regarding memory and NB are new to me. Thanks for that...
And regarding the fact that I'm not a Pi-specialist my score feels even better now...
I will try to come close to your time in the next few weeks. But first I have to buy a Deneb because the only Phenom-II-cpu left is the 1100T.
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