Rankings and Points
Global 4 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i7 6700K
Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i7 6700K Skylake-S Cooling Liquid Nitrogen

Monster result!!! This is from another planet
Good job Hazzan
Well done bro;)
wow crazy chip, very impresive !!
godd job
Great score mate!!
nice done man!
Well done ! what an alien chip !
Great work!
Nice one!!
Amazing bench!
Excellent score ( Really amazing ) , well done Hazzan
Wow nice run
man this score is incredible, it's so frustrating I have a 6.2ghz xtu cpu but mere mortals like me can't get these mems. Not that I would even come close but it would be fun to try.
Sorry about your board.
great score
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