Submission Details

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not TecLabBR's Best 3DMark - Fire Strike Submission
NVIDIA  GeForce GTX 980 Ti  Rank
51.0 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
NVIDIA  GeForce GTX 980 Ti  Team Power Rank
78.1 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Core i7 5960X Haswell-E Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 5,932 MHz (+97.73%)


Type 16384 MB DDR4 SDRAM Speed @ 3,000 MHz Timings CL12.0 14-15-15


Model NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti (GM204-400) Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 2,172 MHz (+101.86%) / 2,156 MHz (+22.99%) buy on amazon





Power Supply



TecLabBR commented on his own score:
9 year and 5 months ago – Thanks to Corsair and Galax...
November 18, 2015 at 3:43:37 PM UTC

If ya can't beat them... say they cheat.... wtf....

November 18, 2015 at 4:47:00 PM UTC

I don't know what intention to talk about cheat.... maybe some people believe in lies and rumours... even when we can prove is not truth.... no matter.

November 18, 2015 at 6:36:33 PM UTC

You say cheattweak... who is that directed too... because you can't beat vinces score?

November 18, 2015 at 8:00:27 PM UTC

OMG... this is under your imagination... neither KP is related to this... Is not about KP, is not about LOD, and even is not related to you, your scores or my competitors scores.

Will post nice video, coming soon, and you will understand is not related for one overclocker or score.


November 18, 2015 at 8:04:12 PM UTC

And... for the last... what about to be mandatory to beat x or y scores, or even x or y overclocker... it make no sense... I do my best and be sure, nothing here is easy... I don't need to proof nothing, ... and I will not be more famous, intelligent, important, beautiful, or nothing more, if beat KP or no... is that kind of obligation that you feel?

November 18, 2015 at 8:15:19 PM UTC

What do you mean by "no cheatweak" ?


Seems like Steponz has a good point..

November 18, 2015 at 8:17:13 PM UTC

Explain what that means..... from our point of views... your saying that Asus doesn't have this so-called cheat tweak.... yet all other motherboards do? which ones..... Last board you used was GB Champion.. why the switch to Asus?? Why say cheat tweak on just FS, where you couldn't beat vinces scores? I am only going by what your saying.... so only you can clear what you say...

November 18, 2015 at 8:18:33 PM UTC

And... for the last... what about to be mandatory to beat x or y scores, or even x or y overclocker... it make no sense... I do my best and be sure, nothing here is easy... I don't need to proof nothing, ... and I will not be more famous, intelligent, important, beautiful, or nothing more, if beat KP or no... is that kind of obligation that you feel?


"No BCLK Tweak on Rampage 5 Extreme, no cheatweak..."


Please clarify what this is supposed to mean

November 18, 2015 at 8:30:26 PM UTC

I think this is just an error in translation. He means that he can use Windows 8.1 on the 5960X because he hasn't adjusted the BCLK.


Not sure if this is using the correct version of System Info or not, though.

November 18, 2015 at 8:42:25 PM UTC

Rbuass = drama over 9000. Always.

November 18, 2015 at 8:46:48 PM UTC

8.1 Can be used for FS... not the issue... As long as Sysinfo is up to date.. not a problem... can even use windows 10... thats only for benches that are 2d with no check.


November 18, 2015 at 8:49:42 PM UTC

Here's what you put on facebook...

amanha faremos uma revelacao bombastica e uma metodogia que alguns vem utilizando para fazer resultados fantasticos. fiquem ligados.. pega no cheatweak. para aqueles que veem resultados fantasticos e inalccancaveis... mesmo em condicoes muito aquem de um verdadeiro esforco... valido somente para alguns fabricantes de motherboard... wtf


Rough translation....

tomorrow we will make a bombshell revelation and a methodology here that some has used to great results. stay tuned .. takes the cheatweak. for those who see generally fantastic and inalccancaveis results ... even in very whom hath conditions of a real effort ... valid only for a few motherboard manufacturers ... wtf


November 18, 2015 at 8:55:18 PM UTC

Steponz, why are you worried if I beat KP or no?... Is that your problem?... Why you think that I need to give you explanation or justify the motherboard I used????


No Gunslinger and XXBassplayerXX... is not about this.

Coming soon to all, in a properly time.




November 18, 2015 at 9:02:09 PM UTC

When we post the video, every single guy here will have chance to have own opinion... We, here, effort a lot to do the best we can... I don't know why the big noise... Maybe you think we have nothing of knowledge, and we are creating fantasy.

November 18, 2015 at 9:38:50 PM UTC

people say things before understand what it is .. the best thing to do, and wait to speak later ;)

November 18, 2015 at 9:51:41 PM UTC

Rbossy is OK.

They were saying he was cheating @ 32m.

November 19, 2015 at 12:04:05 AM UTC

Ronaldo Corsair is a large memory vendor who is paying your wages may I ask as a customer and reseller of Corsair why you are using Kingston mems? This would worry me to employ someone who does not have confidence in there own product.


Great Galax card.

November 19, 2015 at 12:13:10 AM UTC

The reason is because my best Corsair kit was damaged (death stick), and no easy to receive Hynix and parts here (gnidaol gave me that Hynix). I am pretty sure that I represent the company very well.

November 19, 2015 at 12:17:20 AM UTC

Oh ok. I still would expect you to be using Corsair mems and pospone your session to do so. As they not Kingston pay your wages. Seems like in many other subs you are also using a competitors product.

November 19, 2015 at 12:51:40 AM UTC

Basically you are saying that all but you are cheats...... based upon your words on facebook...... prove it.. let me see your so-called cheat tweak.... Pretty simple..... Am I worried.... not even close... I do not like being accused of being a cheater in any shape or form... So if I see that yes.. I will be crazy pissed..... Also with this non binned hardware you get.. that is utter bullshit... You received cards from Galax at Computex.... how can you even lie about this... Just so your so called cheat... stop stalling..

November 19, 2015 at 2:59:24 AM UTC

Ronaldo, I'm having trouble understanding what's going on here. Hopefully you can help me figure it out.


Did you find a new tweak?


Do you think the other top scores have been cheating?

November 19, 2015 at 3:27:14 AM UTC

... that's it my friend. It's complete video in Portuguese. We will summarize to be easy,... is really "bombastic" and incontestable

November 19, 2015 at 5:35:01 AM UTC

Wow, such a messy thread. To summarize: Futuremarks RTC check fails on SOC Champion? What about other boards?

November 19, 2015 at 11:39:45 AM UTC

the truth or not, this is not fair! the league need do same for all.

I think the rules need to be reformed/rethought.


Sorry for my bad english

November 19, 2015 at 11:56:11 AM UTC

What is going on here?

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