21 Dec 2015
extreme League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not superpatodonaldo's Best Geekbench3 - Multi Core Submission
Global 4 Cores CPU Rank
Core i7 6700K
11.5 Points
Global 4 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i7 6700K
Team Power Rank
Not worth buying even if you have a lot of good Samsung, PSC and Elpida ic ddr3? 1000 9-12-12-28-2T is poor ... what vDimm?
From my experience, the bios is horrible bugged. Theres a big bug with bclk setting. Changing ram timings is a lottery. Manually setting RTLs get simply ignored. My highest Geekbench Memory score was 6100, so I doubt that you can match DDR4 scores even if the board would let you.
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