22 Jun 2016
apprentice League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Hilderman's Best XTU Submission
Global 2 Cores CPU Rank
Core i3 6320
Global 2 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i3 6320
Team Power Rank
wow sick mems nice job
Thank you,
xxbassplayerxx was kind enough to sell them to me.
3000 c14 Bdie
Oh man, nice work. Not only did you get Bassplayers mems, this score is going to move you up 10 spots to take his 7th place league points for OCN
Thanks Jason, you got me hooked on memory oc awhile back with your Tridentx and it's become addictive for me in a good way. (Although I've learned over consumption of ice cold beer and oc-esports are not a good mix for me, nuff said)
Yes, tee hee, small amount of guilt sitting above Bassplayer due to his mem's, lol. Something just not right about that lol.
At least I can finally cut the lawn now. Neighbors will be pleased.
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