Rankings and Points
Global 6 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i7 5820K
Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i7 5820K Haswell-E Cooling Liquid Nitrogen

Model NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 DDR3 (GF108) (GF108'') Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 810 MHz / 900 MHz (Stock)
What event was this at ?
It was an event of our community hwready.it gaming and extreme oc event. We were in company with the good rsannino. Great time out there
Sounds awesome - do you have a link with pictures ?
Forgot to say that was located in Italy @ rimini. Unfortunately there aren't so much event like ths here. Unless someone organise them.
If you can see try here or in these days my mates will create an article on our website hwready.it
"Sorry, this page isn't available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed."
An article would be great, we can post it on the front page too then
Sure it would be great, as soon as possible I will send it to you.
Good job Bro, waiting for the event link!!!
HWRDAY reportage del primo evento targato Hardware Ready | Hardware Ready
Here the article but it's in Italian yet. This night there will be the English version too, or if you can, you can translate it.
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