Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not zeropluszero's Best XTU Submission
Global 2 Cores CPU Rank
Core i3 6320
Global 2 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i3 6320
Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i3 6320 Skylake-S Cooling Air (Stock)

Product G.Skill Ripjaws V Cooling Air (Stock) Type 16384 MB DDR4 SDRAM Speed @ 1,922 MHz Timings 12-12-12-28 1T Batch B-Die
Model NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 (GF119'''') Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 775 MHz / 900 MHz (Stock)
Matt for bunnying president
So good!!! Huge congrats
:banana::nana::celebration::banana::nana: :celebration::banana::nana: :celebration::banana::banana::nana::celebration:
Nice work mate, but FARK you lol. Inb4 someone gets 744 lol.
Lol, finally
- we will miss you when the villagers come with forks and torches and grab you 
You are a dead man trololol :banana:
But seriously! I was looking for that score!
this score has probably caused the largest landslide of points in history
(minus 41.8 globals for 70+ people)
Now we all want a Giga LN2 board lol. Ah my brief 742 fame is over hahahahaha.
Lol, nice score.
Hm, interesting. Is that the weird new CPU batch you were testing?
70+ people pissed off this morning! A huge congratz man!!!
Hory fark mate
Awesome, King of the hill !!
Good Score m8
Better late than never. Nice Matt!
Yeh Pieter! Amazing thing it is!
Sorry to those 70 odd people, ill pour one out for my homies.
Now this is funny ! Even though I lose 200 points or so. Good work Zero
Wow! Very well done!
Now Gigabyte gets a lot of sample request
Great Job dude!!! This is awesome
GREAT .... congrats for score
seriously,can I get one?
Wow, massive point lose coming soon, and massive change coming in Z170X-SOC Force LN2 interested people thread ^^
Great work Matt, congrats for reaching "the imposible"!
hahaha submission of the year
The sh!t just hit the fan.
TRUE copper tweak
Hahahaha.. gotta love this.. great work guys..
Good job, but why no screen?
nice man
Amazing Score!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!
wacky cooler, this is fancy stuff.
Congrats Matt!!!!
Everyone should that's for sure.
only wish to buy mate
okay okay, i can accept one complimentary ln2 board for compensation of the mental torture and the score loss.
Pieter asked for how many people want the Z170X-SOC-Force-LN2, That just went up to over 70 More people.
Good god. Massively well done!
You are "the one"
How to start a mob 101! Great work, congrats!
Great job dude! Hahaha!
Amazing! Hahaha i always wondered if this was possible! Great job zero!
The XTU 742 score cap has been broken.
The chosen won
Congrats zeroplus you're a deadman now lolol!!!
This is the second time an aussie has broken the so called cap
In 2017 We might get 744 From you
Yes, finally someone did it
Great job man! I never thought I'd ever be so excited about a one point lead.
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