Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Alex@ro's Best SuperPi - 1M Submission
Core i7 7700K
54.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core i7 7700K
Team Power Rank
65.4 Points
feeeeeeeeeeeeek good work!!
epic chip and effort!
Hmm, was waiting for the ninth WR.
SPI32m should be that.
And HWBOT prime.
Great score nevertheless !!! GJ bro.
Broke hwbotprime, sadly failed saving the data file properly
) Will prepare better for next sessions
Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
10 WR is the minimum expected from your expertise ( and chip of course )
Well done, bro;)
nice, so close to the second place
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