Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not GeorgeStorm's Best SuperPi - 1M Submission
Core 2 Duo E6700
60.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Core 2 Duo E6700
Team Power Rank
69.0 Points
Awesome job buddy!!!
Very Nice.
Awesome CPU!
But the time is quite slow. You should be in 8.775-8.825 range at these clockspeeds.
nice one!
Thanks, was just a random chip, only one I have.
That doesn't surprise me, efficiency has never been my forte hah.
It's definitely something I'll be trying to beat next session (if I can get the chip to work at those speeds again!)
Software or mem causing it do you reckon?
Likely combination of all. Gigabyte P45 boards aren't exactly a symbol of efficiency, plus your OS might not really be optimised for 1M. You're not even running it minimised.
Fair enough I assumed it would probably be both
My knowledge of tweaks etc is very limited, I'll try to do some more research before I run this next time
The OS is the Perica_barii XP, but I have used it on multiple systems because I'm lazy so I guess it's lost a lot of any efficiency it once had.
Well, would still be second place
I am not expecting for michel's time to be beaten in a lifetime. I'm not even trying to bin E6700.
Haha that was partially my mentality! Obviously I've spent very little time with the chip (tested on air for 2 mins to see what fsb it failed at and then a couple of hours on LN2), but I get the feeling his chip is faster, and the fact he's on a DDR3 board means I'd have an even harder task!
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