Rankings and Points
Global 4 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
4x GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Model 4x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (GP102) Series Hall of Fame Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Speed 1,480 MHz / 1,376 MHz (Stock)
He´s alive :-O
SKL, KBL, KBLX, Coffee and SKLX are BCLK/Timer bug free
Win 10 allowed for everything
Looks like you put some salt in someone's h2o
Windows 10 is indeed allowed for all skylake, Kabylake and coffeelake based platforms including x299.
I can't believe we're talking about this on a WR sub. Next-level troll
Gratz XA, good to have you back benching!
gj for the score & what unity said. Get butthurt
Nice job XA
Sorry bud ")
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