Rankings and Points
Global 1 Cores CPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Celeron G470
Team Power Rank
Hardware Details
Model Intel Celeron G470 Sandy Bridge Cooling Single Stage Phase Change Cores 2,196 MHz (+9.80%)
Product Corsair Dominator GT Type 3000 MB DDR3 SDRAM Speed @ 1,025 MHz Timings CL7.0 11-7-24 1T
4th chip is the charm! I doubt we've found the limit for g470 yet, now for the race to .62
Oh for gods sake, he's never going to shut up about this.
I wouldn't either if I had global gold. Grats!
I have global gold too and you don't hear me going on about it.
Admittedly it's in 5-core h.265 decode and I'm literally the only person who's bothered to run it in that category, but still.
Carp! turning it into work, hopefully there at three!
still the best :D globals are gone again... :o
They've been missing for a while, somehow certain subs that are subbed as "no pts or rank" get included in 1c rankings even when not 1c. So it's so far below "1st" that it doesn't get pts. Also I've been hemorrhaging hwpts for some inexplicable reason since the start of this weekend. I'm gonna wait until the dust settles with all this recalculations to complain too loudly though.
hw points seem ok, although sometimes the whole set of subs of a given bench / cpu go away and come back. but in my case, all my hwpoints seem fine. the global are fine too since I recalculated them to make sure I did not have "fake" points, which helped or it did adjust itself but all is fine except the x265 4k global on g470.
however, for many users, the globals are artificially high, hence as is the ranking. but they will come down soon
here. I like my 1200 hwpts and expect about 250 global, so I should be in the top 10 for sure, maybe 7-8ish

Ps: check the rounding and exxact value on your 0.61 note, in fact it is 0.6066 fps. to get to 0.6151 to get a 0.62 is a long way... and if x265 2.2.0 becomes mandatory, no more easy rounding
x265 2.2.0 now calculates 3 digits after the point (thanks to me complaining...? :D)
in that example, I am not sure if they truncate or round : 45.273 becomes 45.27, but what would happen to 45.276, rounding to 45.28 or truncating ti 45.27...?
so 0.608 may become 0.61 but might still be ranked after yours since you submitted first. since I am sure they will not manually check any 2.1.0 and older subs to get out the 3 digits number, but how the 3 digits will come out is still a mystery. they will round probably, but hopefully will use the 3 digits to establish ranking
Since this version did not support 3 decimal places the ranking is with the rounded number as that's all the datafile tells. So it's ranked as .610, as for the hw pts they came back later that day. I don't think the subs had actually lost their pts they just didn't apply to my ranking for some reason. But now that I've got them back hw pts seem more or less correct, waiting to sub anything new until the smoke clears though as I don't want to contribute to slowing it down. As for g470 globals, it seems that for some reason there's an 8.71 fps result being included in the rankings even though it's not a 1c result and it's listed as for "no pts or rank" so I think it's a bug.
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