Rankings and Points
Global 2 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
61.9 Points
2x Geforce Titan Xp
Team Power Rank
2.9 Points
Hardware Details
Model Intel Core i9 7980XE Skylake-X Cooling Water (Chilled/Cold)

Model 2x NVIDIA Geforce Titan Xp (GP102) Cooling Water (Chilled/Cold) Speed 2,100 MHz (+41.89%) / 1,636 MHz (+14.73%)
what should I do to that shitty bench to finally use SLI ? only 50% gpu usage on both cards .....
Maybe you will read allowed tweaks :)Such as LOD?
yep but im 100fps behind so I think problem will be in another area. 3dmark firestrike ultra is somewhat good but normal firestrike is like 40-50% gpu load on both gpu-s in gametest 1.
cpu is 7980xe at only 4.0. its that much cpu limit ??
Easy test is to downcore so that you can run 5 ghz and see if the graphics score goes up
it was same shit at 5gig cpu. 3d11 was weak too but it came to life dont know really why,but started producing good numbers.maybe low level io driver sucked. but fs not scaling with cpu ..
Try different levels of LOD, too much LOD lowers score, also could be broken OS
will try tomorrow,thanks for the input
I get half the fps in 1st test than this..
it will be a serious software issue..
will try reinstall OS
Try 385.69 drivers. Adjust power scenarios to max performance in WIN as well as in nv control panel (if it was not done already :)) , Try LOD +3
trying 39x driver. everything is almost OK ( fse - fsu ) only firestrike gt1 keeps f...cking up. once 247fps once 220 once 208. same hw settings.
will try your driver and lod,thx.
power settings are adjusted.
it turns out, cpu was overheating and dropping power in gt1.. thanks for your tips mate!
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