Chip boots 8030 on single module at 2.05v vcore with minimal tweaking and no pscheck and almost validated. Also run r11.5 at 7.4 1.9v. Can't wait to see this chip when I have time to bench it properly.
That's a very nice chip. How much do you want for it Ha Ha You are going to have some beautiful scores from that chip
Wouldn't trade this chip, lol. Didn't even have to bin for it. Bought it for $100 pre ryzen launch because of bent pins and just remembered that it did 4.9 on 1.37v on aio when looking at what hw I had for the all amd Ddr3 stage of tc. (hit temp limits because leaky, my 8320 ran same temps at 1.45v on same cooler)
Dunno how to appreciate Amd ,what would be the equivalent in intel of what he found (for example a 7700k in freq ,for comparison sake :)) ).
Kinda hard to tell since I didn't even bench this chip properly. ie; no in OS OC, no pscheck, etc but probably would at least be a 7+ 32m and legacy chip in 7700k terms
Chip boots 8030 on single module at 2.05v vcore with minimal tweaking and no pscheck and almost validated. Also run r11.5 at 7.4 1.9v. Can't wait to see this chip when I have time to bench it properly.
Nice one
This is not a TC stage ;)
He had one job
welcome to the 8G club!...definitely goes further, use pscheck ... core 0 limits frequency. nice work man
Was pretesting for all amd Ddr3 stage before my 280x decided not to work
Wouldn't trade this chip, lol. Didn't even have to bin for it. Bought it for $100 pre ryzen launch because of bent pins and just remembered that it did 4.9 on 1.37v on aio when looking at what hw I had for the all amd Ddr3 stage of tc. (hit temp limits because leaky, my 8320 ran same temps at 1.45v on same cooler)
Screw you and screw your passing windows startup at 8G, you lucky bastard <3
Dunno how to appreciate Amd ,what would be the equivalent in intel of what he found (for example a 7700k in freq ,for comparison sake :)) ).
Only way to appreciate it is to bench it
Kinda hard to tell since I didn't even bench this chip properly. ie; no in OS OC, no pscheck, etc but probably would at least be a 7+ 32m and legacy chip in 7700k terms
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