Submission Details

13 Nov 2018
extreme League

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not quiekMew's Best CPU Frequency Submission
Intel  Core i7 4930K  Rank
25.2 Points
Intel  Core i7 4930K  Team Power Rank
5.2 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Core i7 4930K Ivy Bridge-E Cooling Single Stage Phase Change Temperature Load -33.0 °C Idle -60.0 °C Ambient 22.0 °C Cores 5,625.79 MHz (+65.46%) Batch L412C226


Product G.Skill PI Cooling Air (Stock) Type 8192 MB DDR3 SDRAM Speed @ 2,400 MHz Timings 8-11-8-28-1T Batch PSC


Model NVIDIA GeForce 210 (DDR3, 64bit, GT216) (GT216) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 475 MHz / 790 MHz (Stock)


Model ASUS Rampage IV Black Edition Cooling Air (Stock) Chipset X79


Capacity 240 GB (AHCI) Series 840 Evo Series SSD (S4LN045X01 Controller)

Power Supply

Series Enermax Modu87+ Power 850 Watt


quiekMew commented on his own score:
6 year and 5 months ago – Results of me messing around with x79. This 4930K seems to have a decent IMC but outputs a ton of heat. max recorded temp were at -33C evap temp. This is a 20k rotary one from BartX. I had 0 issues with channel dropping, my main issue was with "multi dropping". When increasing the BCLK clock with TurboV the multi would reset to 34 rendering it useless. luckily a reboot fixed the issue. I used the preset LN2 profiles in the RIVBEs bios, they seemed to work the best :) I picked the perfect ...
November 13, 2018 at 9:54:01 PM UTC

I picked the perfect day to bench subzero as the humidity was at 94% that day. I didnt properly insulate the back of the board and water was forming near the solder points for the ram. half an hour longer and id have some nice shorts there. Comment length is restricted? really?

November 14, 2018 at 2:12:21 PM UTC

16 hours ago, quiekMew said:

I picked the perfect day to bench subzero as the humidity was at 94% that day. I didnt properly insulate the back of the board and water was forming near the solder points for the ram. half an hour longer and id have some nice shorts there. Comment length is restricted? really?

I've had puddles of water on completely uninsulated boards, water from the air isn't as good a conductor as you'd think. Things just start getting fucky when you get it into mem slots etc

November 14, 2018 at 3:57:54 PM UTC

ive had water in spots it shouldnt go to three times 

killed one board, didnt do anything to the two others.

the one that died had water in the socket. Gives me a 00 ever since. 

one of the working ones had a puddle in the socket as well but it works fine.

third one had water on the voltage controller, after drying it works again 

November 14, 2018 at 8:19:27 PM UTC

Only board I killed with water was salt water and that one was actively arcing while I was benching... I would say definitely a good idea to clean boards out after use. A good iso flush or spraying all sockets out with electrical contact cleaner works well.

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