Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Antinomy's Best 3DMark2001 SE Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
315 integrated (SiS 650/651/740)
35.0 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
315 integrated (SiS 650/651/740)
Team Power Rank
11.8 Points
Hardware Details
Model SiS 315 integrated (SiS 650/651/740) (315) Cooling Air (Custom) Speed 212 MHz (+27.71%) / MHz (stock)
Its result for 128Vid ram, sooooooo its cheating, or its SIS330
Oh my *ucking god, its not a cheats or SIS330, its 16bit Z-buffer. *ucking retards, sis315 from 11/2001 use 24bit one!
so we started with saying its cheating, to then clamoring on about not cheating, but then into name calling.
If the score isn't correct, report it with details as to why and let the mods handle it. Name calling and screaming cheating is not the way.
mod, del ALL results until 1.8k , overcloking SIS315 dosent help get a score (+300 its max what i see)
Yep, i analyze 5 mobos, and sevral bioses on Aopen / Giga mobos.
3DMark 2001SE is run on its defaults. And I think you should mind you language.
It't SiS 651. If you open your eyes, you can see this easily.
stok -> stok + SIS OCC -> DDR OCC -> etc...
Last 3 (over 2k) w Z-Buff16bit
So, my dearly maddy boy, tell us, how u get over 2.5k score w 64VidMem
You see "The benchmark was not run using default settings" ? Mine doesn't because it's run under default settings like your first 4 runs.
on deff setings Z-Buff32bit
From rules:
Full stock, after CMOS clear. Only disabled COM/MIDI/Audio. Nothing overclocked or tweaked.
Like my friend Ilya Cemenko aka TiN said: " Uchi matchast' "
and so?
Use HWInfo+CpuZ
heygotohell, that name you use has an inference to it, you should use it !!!!
You should stop cussing and do your homework. Integrated chips are fun because they're hard. You need to know some advanced stuff to show good results. It's not a thing for newbies. Uchi matchast' and good luck.
You are blind or idiot? 3dmark requires more than 512 mb (further algorithm) with low timings, look at your 200 mhz w/ standart settings. Satisfied? Yet it estimates s-cashe, 512 KB and more good, rofl. Theme from stupid!
Its a sort of mental retardation? Or yur mum dropped you head down?
Once again retard, GA-8blabla SIS650/651 mobos, dosent react to timing change / or react very bad.
at GA-8S651 and GA-8SIMLH (i have PacardBell rev, green txt) gives us 1400-1500sc at def set
at third screen u can see DDR400 w t:2-2-2-6, maan u got shit un your eyes?
Even if we take Aopen MX46U2 mobo (it react to timings very good, but dosent suport prescot, and dosent have mem divider) we still get +/- same result
BUT if we take Aopen S651M w SIS330, we can get very easy 2.3-2.5score (at 128mb v-ram)
Fuck, what wrong whith u all
maan u got shit un your eyes? No man, u don`t see shit on yourself eyes!
I told you blind idiot. Don't get smart with your fu%%. Look at the SPD tab and look at the standards for 266/333 and 400 and now look at his and your own. Yet?
U are comletly mad.
Its not a mem or timings, i tested SIS w 3200 / 3500 / 4000 DDR.
Let me show you the abacus. Look at read, the timings and the fsb.(your 156 vs 163)
Ooh my special salty maddy boy, ok, 652fsb VS 631 / 2-2-2 timings vs unknown.
PB GA-SIMlNF mobo has ~175fsb(8 M-RZ 166-170), i solder to it VDD booster and we talk tommorow.
Any news after half a year? Or you're good only at pressing the report button? )
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