Rankings and Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
49.5 Points
Radeon RX 6800 XT
Team Power Rank
5.1 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (Navi 21) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 2,650 MHz (+45.21%) / 2,000 MHz (stock)
Some notes:
- 2650Mhz is the boost setting applied from Performance Tuning panel, not the real clock during load (GPU is power-limited)
- Tesselation modified, Not 3DMark Hall of Fame valid (valid score with similar setup around 45K - https://www.3dmark.com/fs/24052851
- It's rather difficult managing the cold bug on the 2-CCD CPU, this one lost the GPU (d6 error) and generally having errors at -100C, changing FCLK to lower doesn't help, not sure exactly what's holding it back
-It's been a LONG time since we saw an AMD CPU and GPU on any of the 3DMark, this is refreshing
Wow! Awesome score!
Wow... good job
Simply amazing!
Btw, I wonder why it is so strong in FS but not so strong in TS etc. Compared to other benchmarks and games it seems unnaturally strong in FS.
Yes, it was weird to me too, even with Tess ON, the default score is close to 50K Graphics on the 6800 XT. TS and PR is pretty OK, but not this strong.
On raster-based games it was around 3080-level, not 3090. (On DXR games beating 2080 Ti FE by small percentage,but still behind 3080 by a decent margin)
Shared on FB, looking good
WTF!! Holy shit!! ????
Good Job mate, nice Card
Holy shit! Now wait for 6900xt!
Might it be even stronger?
Great run! Looking forward to seeing what a 6900XT can do!!
Insae ! Didn't give a penny for a full Amd wr in any 3d just even a month earlier ! :) Nice, very nice ! New winds blowing !
Does the FSE and FSU also great performance (higher resolution)?
Best wishes
This score is insane ! Absolutely massive score ... maaaassssssive ?. Well done Alva ! ?
oh my goooood my man!!!! this is refreshing indeed
Nice, great score
Assuming performance still scales with added 11% more CU (6900XT has 80CU), it might. But I'm not sure how much we can gain in this 'less' intense load like Fire Strike 1080p, 6900XT would likely be more power-limited too and would not be strange if we only find single-digit percentage gain.
It is quite fast in FSU (stock Graphics Score on FSU was around 12500, default driver setting and Tesselation on), it's decent but not yet beating custom 3090 I guess
Did you try to tweak the bios for faster memory overclock? That RX 6800 XT appears to be memory bandwith limited.
Crazy good! :)
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