Hi there,that's a nice FSB with a P5QC.. X-D
I have identical mobo and Q9550,so what STRAP,FSB and RAM speed did you use to boot to Windows..
Also what vFSB,vNB,CPU GTL and RAM voltage did you use..
hello, it's kingston hyperx 1600mhz KHX1600C9D3/2G x 2
Yeah I know what RAM you are using..
I'm using Kingston HyperX 1600MHz KHX1600C9D3B1/4G x2
I'm asking what voltages did you need for that FSB speed and what STRAP to North Bridge did you use?
I needed North Bridge voltage = 1.48V to reach 513MHz FSB..
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Hi there,that's a nice FSB with a P5QC.. X-D
I have identical mobo and Q9550,so what STRAP,FSB and RAM speed did you use to boot to Windows..
Also what vFSB,vNB,CPU GTL and RAM voltage did you use..
hello, it's kingston hyperx 1600mhz KHX1600C9D3/2G x 2
Yeah I know what RAM you are using..
I'm using Kingston HyperX 1600MHz KHX1600C9D3B1/4G x2
I'm asking what voltages did you need for that FSB speed and what STRAP to North Bridge did you use?
I needed North Bridge voltage = 1.48V to reach 513MHz FSB..
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