21 Nov 2021
extreme League
Rankings and Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Was great benching with techtested, JCOC, ForksOC, and fzrdontdie. Thank you so much International Computer Concepts for sponsoring the event!
Highest clocked 6 core ever! Congrats!
Didn't even know, this chip will be strong for benches cause it could probably validate over 8 on the first two modules and 7.9 on the third. Can't wait for 1c/cu to move to these so I can get globals with this chip
What's next, dual-core Richland with a disabled core competing in single-core rankings?
PS: Great frequency!
fuckin awesome man, too much insulation tho /s
Hell yeah, same old sempy+ l3014 for years, that'd be something new for once
(and easy to get + cheap)
If this is allowed in 3 core I'd think that would happen at the same time. Who knows how completive they would be with lower ipc, but at least we could stop binning memory ics for am3 bclk...
good freq, congrats!
Nice one yos!
Strong frequency and chip well done!
Strong frequency! First time I've seen 6330 lol :D
Yeah I forgot I had this but probably bought it cause 6330 sounds like a weird oem sku
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