18 Nov 2011
extreme League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not I.M.O.G.'s Best CPU Frequency Submission
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Team Power Rank
Great Job....Go OCF....
Nicely done!!!
Amazing what just 3L of LN2 will get you...
Now go get more of the "cold sauce" and make this chip squeal hard.
Congrats IMOG!
Thanks guys. Might still go for better on an fx-8150 - at this point though its just luck of the draw with finding the right CPU.
luck? put more voltage
More voltage doesn't help. I'll take it to 2.2V to be sure once I get more LN2, but I'm fairly certain this chip is topped out - I've already had it to 2.1V.
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