14 May 2017
apprentice League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not kotori's Best SuperPi - 1M Submission
Global Rank
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Athlon 900 (Thunderbird, Slot A)
Team Power Rank
You are the master of this platform.
Thank you Scotty, Zafiropo-san! Without super bypass is slow, I couldn't update my best time.
Those chips cry for memory bandwidth. Its too bad those boards cant reach 200Mhz+ CL2 like its possible with those s370 boards. Crazy work done here!
Congrats for the result.
You chose to disable super bypass in order to gain cpu and fsb speed ?
Why not , this cpu in an other board or chipset ?
Your next goal:
Athlon Thunderbird 950MHz
Let's say i'm newbie in this platform.
Super bypass is very tricky in this platform (SLOT A) especially for overclockers.
for sure after 3 days test ,with Super bypass enable you can achieve 3-4 seconds in superpi
if the motherboard let you do it, or if you find the right settings after continuous blue screens
it depends of the higher fsb, chipset, and motherboard + cpu fsb limit.
Theoretically ABIT KA7 is the best motherboard, but can you run Thunderbird cpu's in this mobo?
Thunderbird 1000 is it a good choice or not?
And of course if you don't own a goldenfinger device just forget it
Thank you Tasos-san and Strunkenbold-san.
MS-6167 bios haven't super bypass option, I think involved 751 chip revision, my K7PRO has C5 rev chip but 6167 has C rev.
Perhaps as far as I know T-bird will not work properly in KA7, if it works perfectly KA7 will be one of the best slotA board and also EP-7KXA too.
http://valid.x86.fr/m6gbpe(T-bird can't work)
There was a program to detect chipset revision and enable bypass on the fly. Chipid - PCtipp.ch
I guess wpcredit can do the same.
I have to try the Thunderbird on the KA7, just cant at the moment, as it wont boot anymore. I suspect a cold solder point. Will update the board with polymers to improve stability along the repair process. The advantage of the KA7 is the adjustable cache and the opportunity to change the FSB on the fly within Windows. Its not clear if the additional dram clock buffers help the maximum memory frequency or not.
Quick to find! I'll try soon this super bypass enabler and wpcredit, Thank you Strunkenbold-san, i hope your KA7 will work fine.
WCPUID should be even more comfortable to use. I just forgot about this nice tool.
FalconFly Software Archive
Untouchable level Kotori ! Big big grats !
Thank you Alpi-san!
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