Submission Details

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Global 2 Cores GPU Rank
Global 2 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
ATi  Rage Fury MAXX  Team Power Rank
4.7 Points


Hardware Details


Model Intel Pentium III EB 1000Mhz (Slot 1) Coppermine-256 Cooling Liquid Nitrogen Cores 1,350 MHz (+35.00%)




Model ATi Rage Fury MAXX (128 Pro) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 160 MHz (+28.00%) / 172 MHz (+20.28%) buy on amazon


Model ASUS P3C-D Chipset 820



Power Supply



Stelaras commented on his own score:
7 year and 11 months ago – Stelaras & Zafiropo - Ati rage Fury MAXX - OSIBS S3-R5 FSB is maxed out at 180Mhz . Cpu is capable for higher clocks . No time for external PLL .
May 15, 2017 at 12:23:05 PM UTC

Very nice board. Im jealous, would like to have one too.

May 15, 2017 at 3:53:23 PM UTC

Really great work Stelaras-san and Zafiropo-san, I did the my best but didn't reach 12000 3D marks, congrats!

May 15, 2017 at 4:31:38 PM UTC

Congrats zafiropo and stelaras !!!


Great score.

May 15, 2017 at 4:36:01 PM UTC

Thank you both :)


Considering it's a dual CPU board it did great . I wasn't expecting to max-out the PLL at 180MHz to be honest . :D


Kotori-san , as i can tell by looking at your score , our runs were pretty close in efficiency . RDRAM doesn't help Pentium-III CPUs and performs close to SD-RAM .

I believe the main reason i got to 12K was because of the CPU . If i had your SH6 board i'm sure i would have scored way higher .

The 1000EB CPU was only at 2.05V & -30C . It was enough for booting , entering windows and running the benches . Totally stable at 180MHz FSB .


Thank you again for your kind words ! :)

May 15, 2017 at 5:25:36 PM UTC

Beautiful Board and score. Well done ;)

May 15, 2017 at 6:15:29 PM UTC

Thank you Stermy ! :)


Your last run was very strong ! I tried to reach it with the same board (440bx) but couldn't .

I managed to run the rage128 pro card up to 185/205 :P

May 16, 2017 at 4:36:06 AM UTC

Nice and particular board. strong and hard work.


May 17, 2017 at 2:30:39 PM UTC

Zafiropo-san and Stelaras-san thank you for answering, i saw Zafi-san's post in my sub.

In the case of a single CPU I think wprime and hwbot prime is not so much affecting RAM clock and latency, pi and paifast will make a difference.

If dual cups, difficult runs 180mhz FSB in 440BX chip.

About External PLL mod, If P3C-D can fine-tune FSB(1mhz step) on bios or setfsb,

necessarily don't need a external controller, need only 14.138mhz crystal for real time clock and 16mhz or higher crystal and some resistor.

May 17, 2017 at 7:36:18 PM UTC

Kotori-san , P3C-D has the ability to use 100 to 180 FSB with 3 Mhz steps . Maybe a different crystal is enough , but i don't know if USB would continue to work properly . I have a turbo-PLL solution almost ready to be used , but zafiropo didn't want to mess with his board! :P


I can also tell that board is slow . I tried some Spi1M runs but it's very slow compared to the BX chipset , so it just doesn't worth it (except for the benches that are not bandwidth hungry) .

May 18, 2017 at 3:14:46 PM UTC

USB will not work at 16mhz crystal but PS2 is no probrem, in my case, I'm restoring to 14.318mhz only when use USB memory, would be convenient to attach a socket between board and crystal.

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