27 Feb 2021
extreme League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not Sparks.nl's Best PiFast Submission
Global Rank
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Athlon XP-M 2800+ (Barton)
Team Power Rank
This is a nice CPU, low FSB hurting the score, though. Keep pushing!
go go for the first place
This CPU won’t run 260+ FSB when I am on cold and at high speeds. I verified 260MHz as booting before and after the run on cold. I might get the job done when lowering max speed. But: I won’t be running this cpu on cold since it is my second in binning for 2800+ xp-m. I was just preparing for the better cpu to come in...
I forgot: Thanks!
I spot some alpo caps
board fuly recapped or just vcore?
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