05 Mar 2025
extreme League
Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not TerraRaptor's Best SuperPi - 32M Submission
Mobile Athlon 64 4000+ (Newark)
15.0 Points
Global Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
Mobile Athlon 64 4000+ (Newark)
Team Power Rank
6.1 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD Mobile Athlon 64 4000+ (Newark) Newark Cooling Single Stage Phase Change Cores 3,601 MHz (+38.50%)
Competition is over, we know who is winner.
What vcore?
1.78v here. Cpu is happy with 1.6v @3.55ghz and voltage curve goes to sky after that. I also wasn't able to validate this cpu above 3.65ghz this time - no matter voltage. I'm going to check some other things later this month (vdda and ldt voltages).
What can i say.
After so many years (in this hobby) , i thought i've seen it all.
But ... i was wrong.
Congrats for this awesome combo (board and cpu) and score !!
Die temp ?
Should be -30 with the load like that (knowing my ss unit). -40 when idle. I control temps only with hot chips that may de-frost evaporator in order to shut down just before it happens.
-30C die temp or evaporator temp ?
Evap. Have no idea of the die temp? Is software monitoring that good with cold?
Nope, not really. You can measure delta between load and idle pretty accurately but I’ve had temp readings colder than my evap temp on A64.
Epic score! Platform record.
I asked about die temps , because you know how weird these E5 and E6 cores react with negative temps.
No software monitoring.
Many years back , when i was using extreme cooling , i remember i had to actively monitor realtime the die temp with an extra temp probe on the Fluke.
We had temp probes with very thin wires , that you could navigate through the cpu pins.
At the edge of stability , even a 2C temp difference had an impact on benchmarks.
For example , at -8C die temp you could finish the run , while at -10C you were blue screening (temp related) cold bug.
When using an SS it's very hard to hold the temps you need.
I was never lucky enough to have a 754 or 939 cpu without a cold bug (and we didnt have a list of cpu steppings to have ... back then).
What do you mean ?
Evap temp will always be higher (colder) than die temp
Is this list of CB-free steppings available somewhere?
People that are still benching 754-939 with xtreme cooling should have a clue (i guess)
It wasn't such a big list anyway.
I can't find my notes at the moment (must be stashed away in some board box with other stuff ... probably)
and as always , i will find it when i wont be looking for it.
Not CB free, but this was -130c ish - https://hwbot.org/benchmarks/pifast/submissions/4569395
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