Submission Details

Rankings and Points

World Record Rank
Not fuzz3l's Best Reference Frequency Submission
Global Team Power Rank


Hardware Details


Model Intel Core 2 Duo E8600 Wolfdale-6M Cooling Air (Custom) Cores 3,690 MHz (+10.81%) REF 615 MHz






Model ASUS Rampage Extreme Cooling Air (Stock) Chipset X48



Power Supply



fuzz3l commented on his own score:
12 year and 6 months ago – Good old Rampage Extreme. Only 615Mhz FSB, because of the lack of time and only a 64bit Win7 installed. Board used to work on abouve 640Mhz with fine tuning. Anyway it was fun to run that platform again, and how fast it boots ;)
October 23, 2012 at 7:49:59 PM UTC

I love this Boards too - it's fun to play around with the good "old" stuff again - nice to see that there are so much RE's "alive". You even have some working Micron D9GT's i see - wanna sell?! ;):P Unfortunately my Kits don't work anymore. GTR/GTS - best choice for this Boards.

October 23, 2012 at 7:57:47 PM UTC

I have this Board for about 3 years now and I used in my best fsb submission (68xMhz) and I will never sell this board. Same with the ram: I got two and a half Kits with D9GTR/S. One Cellshock 1800 CL8, one TRS 1333 Value, and a half-dead Crucial "yellow-stick" Kit. All of them I will keep, specially the black Cellshock :D

October 23, 2012 at 8:08:03 PM UTC

I wouldn't do it in another way - will never the sell my Board - just the best Board i ever had - gave me so much Points and fun. So it has already an idealistic value for me. Aaaahhhh - the good black Cellshocks (GTR) - i have a kit too and also a yellow GTS ballistix Kit but how i said - both dead, not even one stick is fuc**** working anymore. :(

October 23, 2012 at 8:19:58 PM UTC

Your Cellshock kit is dead? The one that didn't like much voltage?


My kit is still alive, the 1800C7D as well...

October 23, 2012 at 8:29:22 PM UTC

Yeap - the good not much voltage liking kit (great english - german mix :P)

Not really sure why, because it ran like hell before my benching timeout around 2 years ago. Some month later: no boot on any board - both sticks dead. :( Your both are lucky men.

October 23, 2012 at 8:34:52 PM UTC

That sucks. Did you try freezing them?

Well, I don't consider myself that lucky, I tried to find some more RAM with D9GTx and bought two kits with D9GTS, one clocks like crap on CL6 and CL7, the other one was dead when I got it. :(


Too bad I can't join this competition, it would have been nice to test my E8600s. ^^

October 23, 2012 at 8:52:30 PM UTC

Freezing? Never heard about that - only baking in an oven, made that several times with gfx's. Maybe i should give it a try - can't get worse than now. Just put the sticks in a freezer bag and then in the freezer? How long and something special i have to take care about? Would be such a great thing if this would really help. :)

Thats also sad - bought the kits on ebay or on a forum?

Why you can't compete? Board dead or lack of time?

Also tested my e8200 - no boot above 620 on air - maybe i will test my e8500 tomorrow which i still never checked for max fsb, depends on how much time i'll have after work.

October 23, 2012 at 9:03:04 PM UTC

with "freezing" he means if you put them under cold with ln2 or dice. ;)

October 23, 2012 at 9:07:11 PM UTC

No, that's not what I meant, Karl, I mean putting them in the freezer for a day or two, and then take them out again. Some people have reported they could fix their RAM that way, I tried it on a set of dead D9GMH, it didn't work for me but maybe you can give it a try. Just make sure they're dry when you test them again. ( Thread )


The board is fine, but I'm in Munich and all my hardware is at home. ;)


I bought the kits on ebay like most of my hardware. The Cellshock and Corsair sticks were also bought on ebay so I guess I can be quite happy.

October 23, 2012 at 9:18:31 PM UTC

Ah that makes sense - quite difficult to be at 2 places at the same time. :D I will give the freezer a try - thx Daniel. :)

October 23, 2012 at 9:53:38 PM UTC

ah ok, i missunderstodd that then. :D

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