Rankings and Points
World Record Rank
Not havli's Best 3DMark03 Submission
Global 1 Cores GPU Rank
GeForce PCX 5900
4.6 Points
Global 1 Cores GPU Team Power Rank
0.0 Points
GeForce PCX 5900
Team Power Rank
1.9 Points
Hardware Details
Model AMD Athlon 64 3500+ (Clawhammer) Clawhammer-512 Cooling Air (Custom) Cores 2,532 MHz (+15.09%)
Model NVIDIA GeForce PCX 5900 (NV35) Cooling Air (Stock) Speed 470 MHz (+34.29%) / 413 MHz (+50.18%)
Where is the old School stage 1's wallpaper?
You have to use this specific background
Yeah, missed the background link, sorry. Now it should be ok.
extreme rare graphic card
You have quite the inventory of vintage hardware. Nice.
PCX 5900 isn't really that rare. PCX 5950 on the other hand...
Thank you. Collecting hardware and overclocking is my hobby. Over the years I've managed to get many interesting things. Unfortunatelly I don't have much time to bench it lately. Most of the stuff is on my website http://hw-museum.cz/ One day I hope most of it will be propertly benchmarked and submitted here on hwbot.
We are quite similar.
Thank you for the link. I'm enjoying it as we speak.
I havent ever seen live a PCX5950.
But PCX5900 is kind of rare also.
Not easy to find one.
I own a Chaintech.
What kind of ram chips does your Gigabyte use ? (ns ?)
Yes, same here - perhaps it was just a paperlaunch.
Mine 5900 has Hynix 2.8ns. Running stable at 413 MHz (825 DDR), no artifacts. Most likely they can go faster but I haven't tried yet.
Havli we are quite similar
Good card anyway
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