Submission Details
69422 GFX
50283 CPU
582.635 Chapter 1
308.234 Chapter 2
461.976 Chapter 3
238.933 Chapter 4
474.614 Chapter 5
536.305 Chapter 6
541.327 Chapter 7
443 Chapter 8
296.531 Chapter 9
5.8 and 1.6v+ on water? What's your ambient?!
Yeah that's crazy but it does look like the rig itself is outside.
"Ambient". XD
Welcome to the world of "enthusiast" cooling. Move him to Apprentice already.
Rig pic also incorrect. Remove this and all of NATA58's scores please
It doesn't really matter if he uses chiller or not, the result is great and should be appreciated.
If indeed he uses this kind of methods he will realise in time that they we're pointless to hide them as you have no satisfaction in competing with an airplane on a horse race.
Nevertheless, great score and bring many more of this.
Tbh it is a good score, only thing missing is some hard mods and GPU on water. :D
It's the never ending discussion, it's ambient for them right so surely that's ok? Makes it unfair for those living in hot climates sure but I think that's been the general rule followed.
Suzuki, thanks man, appreciated it from you :) (first part) Noxinite -> vMod
proof of cooling video, its 6PM here and ambient around 11C, i can post you another one if temps goes lower during night
2 years ago.. its still same cpu, without any degradation even after 500+ hours sitting at 1.6-1.7
Omg man... Working on these cards last 14 days, i was happy when i submited nice score with first ever moded cards by own hands (when i never used solder before) and everything i see is stupid flame and hates, it was great feeling bench again after all HWB situation, now i see that i should stuck at work instead of taking holiday for 14 days only for somethink whitch i love...
Second video at 5780 Mhz especialy to argue against your conspiracy lol.
Its like arguing that earth is flat...
I think thats this is pretty clear...
Iam wonder whats gona come when i submit 260 now lol.
Kudos for modding all those cards!
I was being sarcastic, Happy Birthday
Cry us a fucking river Shane.
Jesus, what a fucking whinge.
Avalanche, yeah that makes sense, I will make 5,8 with proof on fucking window, but for sure I have to using chiller on 5,6. You should stop using LSD man.
Keep doing what you're doing PKBO.
None of us in Australia can stand Shane, which is why he had to jump ship to Warp9, who I also assume cant stand him.
I'll get back to you on Saturday.
It's still makes me wonder why you never tryed much more exotic cooler with greatest cpu ever, surely this is must be LN2 WR chip.
i did, we put it on promotion onto SS, iam not sure about req, but i think that somethink like 6100 or 6300 at CB15.
LN2 not wanted to do, cause its delided with LM and its not good idea (dont wana loose it for "nothing")
The best i know is 5.5GHz R15 7700K on ambient water, 20-30 Celcius, 5.8GHz isnt possible without changing other voltages which is causing more heat, im sure cold ambient is belong to Apprentice, its should be based on real temperature not normal ambient or not.
do you want to delete all my results? so you think I'm dishonest , why not use hwinfo or hwmonitor so let's see who really make up the results?
thank you. however with hwinfo-hwmonitor it would be all the more regular
There is no need insulation if its ambient, if insulation is needed it must be below ambient, and btw you can even still bench under ln2 without insulation some times
Why not sub your SS result? No offense but this result is uncoolable on ambient, 58 Celcius load under 1.6v+?
I have to use insulation with watercooling every summer. When humidity is over 90% and temperatures are over 30 degrees there is a lot of condensate.
guess what, i live here in Indonesia which is everyday 30C+ with 80-100% humidity, never seens anyone have trouble with condensation here.
It's a simple physics - dew point. With such temps and humidity you need a few degrees below ambient to have a condensate. When you cool down more - you have a lot. Haven't got any problem at winter, cause humidity and temps are lower.
Thats why condensation is happen when you run below your ambient, he said he run on ambient.
Oh, yeah, you're right. I read you wrong. I think, that you write "below zero", not "below ambient".
Keep writing, its a lot of fun with you.
Same like with guys who belives in NWO, chemtrails & flat earth.
No, its people like you.
i gived you few hours of video proof and you still kidding...
Bla bla bla, nonsese discusiot with you.
Now lets hate my another result from today, move move.
Its not my fault where you live, i live in middle of europe in same weather conditions like few billions of peoples arround the world, if you are uspet with it, deal with it.
Peoples from Jamaica will be good at athletic sports, but bad at ICE Hockey and oposite, deal with it, if you are upset with it, then go into apprentice or dont complain about it, than you can fight my results if you want.
Its not my fault, that you didnt invest your time into binning chips, i bought more than 30 peaces of 7700k.
Its not my fault, that you didnt care about hwb revision and rising inportance of GPUS, i was collecting them more than 2 years and also get fucked up with bad sellers whitch sell somethink whitch was not working.
Its not my fault, that you couldnt accept somethink, whitch is proved for 2 years with hours of video and with hundreds of tests.
Ill be glad, if there will be merge like Karta mentioned in his thread, i dont have a problem to deal with it, but until this gona happen, please, dont write flames about me.
Could you see some chiller during this tests ?
Can you show it to me please ?
Idk if you cheat cooler or not, but i bin 100+ 7700K with Hazzan too 5.5ghz r15 on ambient is the best result and its only 1 cpu.
Call me lucky bastard, hazarder, idiot or whatever you want, but no cheater please
iam working on 260 now, but i will give you also some test from CB to compare, ofcousrse everything recorded.
You're my personal hero.
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